Thursday, 26 July 2018

All Change August

Long time readers will know that I bemoan my lack of actual tabletop gaming.  I even set myself the challenge of playing an average of one game a month this year.  Well this August I should manage to make good headway.

Not only do I have one of my semi-regular games against Merlin coming up soon, a chance to blood my Scythians, but we are changing the Monday games schedule for August.

My Monday night group is dedicated to D&D, specifically a 4th edition campaign that started when that edition was released and is now approaching its end.  As the holiday season is upon us, we have put D&D on hold and are playing a different game (almost) each monday for the next five weeks.
This should give me the prod I need to get some projects finished.

Coming up are the following; a return to an old Savage Worlds Quickstart we began one Halloween, Cthulhu Wars boardgame, a couple of games of Frostgrave, and another game, probably Kings of War.

Plenty to go at there.

I also have a day's gaming of Kings of War against T'other One soon, we have put together a three battle campaign, more details, and photos, after the event.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to our game, sounds like you have some good gaming days lined up.


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