Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Nexus Psi - Message Received

Finally, I got a game in, the long delayed fourth game in the Nexus Psi campaign for Deadzone.

I went into this game with two victories under my belt as opposed to one for the Plague.  The objectives are very clear in this game; stop the Plague from gaining control of four cubes (they are planting explosives to blow up the coms tower).  If I could hold out for four turns I win, otherwise the Plague does.

As usual we played on T'Other One's gorgeous terrain, and the set up with the tower was ideal for this particular game.  
The Enforcers ready to hold off the Plague...

While the Plague are raring to go.

I don't have a full write up, as its some time since we last played there was a lot of looking up rules, which was already slowing things down a bit, so I will just give a general impression.
The Enforcers began with snipers in the tower, trying to take down the advancing Plague.  As more and more of the mutated creatures appeared, the task seemed hopeless (I am always surprised at how many Plague there seem to be).  Early success at taking down a Stage 2 was mitigated by failing to finish off the teleporting plague Terraton (I would regret this many times later).  The Plague HMGs proved very nasty, suppressing three Enforcers who were hoping to take shots at the advancing horde.
The Plague had soon taken the nearest two target cubes and placed explosives in them.  It was time to withdraw and try to deny them the other two cubes.  But by this time many of the Enforcers were tied in melee, including by that abominable Terraton.  As the Enforcers fell one by one the Plague horde was thinning too.  Eventually the Peacekeeper Captain was holding the one remaining target cube, along with an Enforcer and a Specialist with missile launcher.  Fortunately, Enforcers are good at surviving, and several times I was able to withdraw them from melee and fire on their erstwhile opponents.  
At the end, the captain fell, but he had held of the plague long enough to secure victory.

Thanks to my opponent for a fun game played in a very friendly spirit.  Looking forward to the final game in the series.  

You can read about the last game here.


  1. Sounds like fun, and yes the terrain is awesome.

    1. the only 'downside' to the terrain is that it is so good I don't feel like I can compete, so mine never gets painted LOL

  2. Hallefrakkinglooyah! Blogger has made it VERY difficult to be able to make any kind of comments on your blog, amigo. It won't accept either of the accounts I could previously use to make comments. I've been trying for half an hour and going round it circles. Looking it up on Johnny Interweb it looks like a common problem. There's plenty of reports of similar experiences to mine. I've had to create a whole new Google account just to be bale to make comments here.

    So hello! It was a great game. With the Enforcers auto winning at the end of round 4 I didn't think the Plague stood a cat's chance in hell of winning, but at the end there was just one pesky Enforcer denying me control of the cube and thwarting victory.

    Even though I now can't win the campaign, I'm looking forward to playing through the last scenario in the campaign (and maybe the extra throw everything we each have left onto the table for one almighty fun final scrap). It'll mean I get to put the landing pad I've painted onto the table for the first time; it'll be good to see it in action.

    And speaking of painting Battlezone scenery, it's not a competition amigo, so get painting some :)

    1. I was unaware of the Blogger comment problems, perhaps its time to change provider?
      As I read the victory conditions for Mission 5, you can still achieve a minor victory if you win that game.

    2. I'm happy with Wordpress as a provider. Have a look at it and see what you think.

    3. I've tinkered with the settings for now, see if that makes a difference.

  3. I have an early target for painting for 2018 now.
    Three more minis will allow me to field the force I want for the next mission. Then I suppose I need a few more for our plan to simply put everything on the table that survived the campaign for a final extra game.

  4. You're quite correct. I hadn't read that properly! Groovy. Everything to fight for!

    1. Yes, ironically we can both achieve a victory. A win-win situation?


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