Monday, 15 January 2018

Building Things

I've a couple of things to show you today.

Firstly, the cottage I started here is now finished, unless I decide to base it.

"If I wasn't stood on this square of MDF, I'd be able to get in without stooping".

It does look a little on the small size next to the wizard, which is actually pretty accurate if it were a Medieval building.  If I do base it it should even out the effect of miniatures bases.
I really like the texture on the walls, just stippled PVA glue.  I both adds strength and texture to the building; these really are cheap and easy to build.  the colour scheme is pretty much a copy of the original.  
The windows are just painted dark blue with the lattice work painted on.  I suppose I could add some highlights to the individual panes, but that might be a bit of a pain.
I might have gone a bit overboard with the green staining?  I did want it to look run down though, so it works for me. 
Next time I think I'll do the wooden building from Orc's Drift; whilst I may never get to play the games again it does give me a target, and I haven't quite given up on that idea yet.

Next up a couple of 'things' (technical term) that I built for a recent session of the Monday evening D&D group.  They are supposed to represent devices that work with force energy.  In D&D terms this is nothing to do with The Force Star Wars style, it merely describes energy that has a 'push' or shielding effect; think a cross between kinetic energy and a force field.
I described them as a series of metal spheres, rings and globes that continuously spun around, periodically reversing their direction of spin.  The build was a simple construction of beads from Hobbycraft (they do a very useful 'pick and mix' in store) threaded onto a nail mounted on an MDF disc and glued to a washer for weight.  The idea was very heavily influenced by Wylock's stuff here.

Force devices with wizard for scale (converted WotC prepaint) 

Again, this time on dungeon floor.

In other news I am still ploding away with my League army, and have found enough Ratmen left over from my Dragon Rampant force to make a small Ratkin army for 15mm kings of War.  I've also had some ideas about dungeon floor plans, but I need to do a bit more experimenting on them first.


  1. Particularly like the cottage and look forward to the rest of the village, the other houses, the town hall and castle walls, market place and temple etc...

    1. Heh, thanks. I'm currently building another of the Orc's Drift buildings now.

  2. Need to build a few myself, your cottage is brilliant, everything I meant about upping the scenery we play with-top marks young man!

    1. Thank you. I am aiming to have a small settlement before too long, based around the Orc;s Drift set. I may then go on to make some more themed around another of my armies (either DR or KoW). Just three or four will do the job I think.
      These are easy to build, and pass the time nicely while teh TV is on.

  3. Great byuild and an even better paint job. Looking forward to seeing this 'in action' on the tabletop soon.

    1. Many thanks :) Considering your Manor house that's high praise.
      I've got two more to paint now, I'll blog 'em when finished. Hope to get them 'on table' soon.


Rangers of Shadow Deep - More Heroes

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