Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Happy Hogswatch

Technically its hogswatch Eve today, so here's a little seasonal update.
Of the various fun things I recieved, here's what I thought you all might be interested in;
Firstly, the latest set of rules from Osprey Publishing, Dragon Rampant.
This is a fantasy set of rules based on their Lion Rampant rules.  Both are aimed at doing games of around 40 to 60 figures a side.  The fantasy rules use the same rule set, but add the typical fantasy tropes.  The system has a nice way of customising units and you are encouraged to determine the stats of your force, though there are some army lists included.
I am hoping to get a game in soon at which point I will give more of a review.

Another Osprey book, and the first in a series (Dwarf Warfare is out soon).  Given my love of orcs I couldn't resist this.  Its great fun, with some lovely artwork.  I might even borrow some of the ideas next time I need an orc tribe in D&D.

This might not be gaming related, but it's the last chance to get a new Terry Pratchett book.  I sort of don't want to finish it, because then there will never be that experience of starting a brand new Discworld novel.

I have been working on a terrain project for Frostgrave and also to use on the table top in wargaming. It's based on a cheap toy I picked up on eBay, pictures when it's finished.

I also managed to get a little bit of painting in, both Son and I have been painting Reaper Bones, just for the fun of it.  I am also hoping to play some more Dungeon Saga.

I think the next post should be a look back at 2015, to see what I have managed to get done, and what I still need to finish.

So a Happy Hogswatch, and don't forget to leave the turnips out for the Hogfather's boars.


  1. The Orc book sounds good,, I believe they are bringing out an elf book later next year too. Dragon Rampant should be fun.

  2. Its good, but perhaps a bit too dry so far, the last section covers famous Orc victories, but I haven't got on to that yet.
    They are indeed doing both elves and dwarves next year.

    1. I've finished the book now and the battles section at the back certainly adds some colour to the work. Now to work out Dragon Rampant equivalents :)


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