Saturday, 5 December 2015

A Grand Day Out

I had a good time today at the Wakefield and Districk Wargames Scoiety's anual show, Recon, in Pudsey.

This is possibly my favourite of the local shows, it is a bit smaller than most, but has a friendly atmosphere that the bigger ones can lack.  I also remember the first Recon show in a church hall over in Headingley, which was tiny, so its always nice to see things grow.
Apart from having a good look around, and a chat with T'Other One, I did get some goodies to keep me busy over the next several weeks.

All this, plus a bag of things from the Bring and Buy

West Wind's Yeti.  I think they will look good as Ice Trolls for Frostgrave. A bit small perhaps, but I like the shaggy coat.

Midlam Miniatures Black Panther.  With a lighter paint job it will do for a snow leopard in Frostgrave.

West Wind's Piranha Men,  they will make nice Deep Ones for Savage Aeons

Reaper Bones Young Fire Dragon, because you can't have too many dragons.

From the Bring and Buy, one of GWs Giants of Albion.  Lovely old figure, and a huge giant.

Also from the bring and buy (most of ) the Emperor's gryphon, Deathclaw.

I am pleased with all my purchases, and for once didn't come out thinking "I wish I'd bought..."
I am not sure if I should paint up the giant or sell it.  It is complete, and pretty hard to get, but i do like it, even though I'm not sure what to use him for.

I already have the Karl Franz figure to go on the gryphon, shame the beast is missing a front claw and a tail, still at £5 for both I couldn't say no.  If I can work out some form of replacement it will make a nice centrepiece for my kingdoms of Men army in Kings of War.

The Uncharted Empires book looks good.  It could be said that it is a good way for disenchanted players of other mass battle systems to re use their armies, now that their rules are no longer 

Both T'other One and myself have collections of 15mm armies, Skaven, Lizardmen, Khemri and Empire.  These new lists will allow us to dust off the old armies and use them in KoW.  All we have to do is base them appropriately and decide what ground scale to use.


  1. I really like the young dragon, fantastic figure, and you can never have too many fact it would make an excellent 15mm dragon for KOW?
    I also like the giant, I would say keep it, but then if it sells for silly money? Perhaps worth checking out ebay to see what you could get?

  2. Yes its a lovely dragon. It will probably get painted up to use in D&D, so a round base, and will be excellent practice for my larger Bones dragons.
    The giant is also a lovely figure. It harks back to a time when GW produced excellent stuff. (Not that they don't know, but I find their current aesthetic not to my taste).
    I think I will take it appart, strip it and rebuild it. Then I might paint it and put it on eBay for a silly (ish) starting price. if it sells, I have got a good price; if not I have a nice giant.
    The only problem is I don't have much to match it. My Orc giant is very different in style. Maybe for my goblins??

  3. Sounds like a good plan for the giant.

    Re 15mm Kings of War - looking forward to it! Need to have a discussion to finalise base sizes and then rebasing can take place so we can get a game in over Christmas. I think my Lizardmen/Salamanders will be up first. :)


Rangers of Shadow Deep; Painted Companions and Marine Juice

Back in December I built three Companions to match the ones Andy and I chose for our first gam e. I've finished painting them now, and ...