Thursday, 3 December 2015

Frostgrave Warband

Bowing to pressure here is the latest on my frostgrave warband.
All the minis are from the old Wizards of the Coast D&D minis pre-paints range.  I chose them because they fitted my imagined picture of what that soldier should look like, not always because of the quality of the sculpt.  All have been effectively repainted.  The bases are the original bases with flagstone cracks carved in and the same style of painting as my Dungeon Saga minis.

The Thief, actually a human bandit from the demonwebs set.  I liked the swag bag he is carrying, as that is pretty much the role I have in mind for him in Frostgrave.

The thief is varnished with gloss.  Varnish is something I am never quite sure about, but I will definitely give this a coat of anti shine.

Treasure Hunter, originally a delver sergeant.  I like the non aggressive stance and all the treasure hunting gear she carries.

This is the figure I like the best, I am very pleased with the paintjob.  The original was perhaps the dullest I have ever seen, mostly brown with silver helmet, yellow torch and pink face.

I added a sword and dagger combination from a GW empire archers set.

The apprentice, conveniently an Evoker's apprentice from the first set, Harbinger.
The detail is pretty crude, and he looks short compared to the rest of the group.  

I really like the surprised look on his face, and I think of him as a lad setting out to learn magic, probably wearing a set of his dad's old robes, which is why they look a bit too big on him.

Infantryman, or Xeph Warrior.  I only recently realised that the infantryman profile best fits a pole armed warrior, not a great ax or hammer as I had originally planned.

The figure is rather 'eastern' and I might move him to a more oriental themed warband I have been thinking of, but he will do in here for now.

A couple of points; this is only the second time I have tried OOS lighting with the Treasure Hunter's torch.  Its not quite right, but I like the effect.  Also, eyes!  I have actually had a go at painting them on a couple of the figures.  (the detail on the apprentice is too shallow for this sadly).

All the minis in the warband are linked by wearing some form of red tunic or similar.  I don't think its too obvious so it looks like a uniform or anything, but I can see the wizard insisting that all his hirelings wear some form of identifying feature to help prevent friendly fire incidents in the ruins.

The great thing about the Frostgrave project is that I have some nice minis painted for D&D as well.

I still need to work on my photography.  These were a real pain to do.


  1. Thanks, its a great figure.
    Still a few little details to do, which is probably why I find it so difficult actually finishing anything.

  2. Very nice, your bases have worked well.
    Choosing red for thrie clothing is a good idea, it wont show the blood!

  3. "That's why that guy is wearing brown trousers"


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