Saturday, 31 January 2015

Gaming in Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars; Building Barsoom: part 3

Highlights and Details
I managed to get some drybrushed highlights on the board.  I am fairly happy with them, but I might go over them and add a lighter top highlight.  Some of the parts I am less happy with, such as the paler area, will be covered in yellow moss.

Pinkish red board with paler section in centre
Overall shot showing the final colour, including the infamous 'pale valley' 

Close up of same
Close up showing the texture still looking good.

The highlight was a heavy drybrush of Wilko's Ruby Ring emulsion paint, then adding progressive amounts of white.

I just need to add patches of yellow moss and spray some sort of protective coat.  I am not sure what to use, normally I would choose a matt varnish, but I have heard that hairspray is a reasonable alternative and might be a cheaper option.  If you've any experience of this, please leave a comment.

Here are links to all the Barsoom posts.
Part 2, painting the board
Part 3, more painting
Part 4,


  1. I really like the effect you've achieved here. The fact it's not uniform adds to the effect of it looking more natural (well, as I imagine Barsoom would....)

    I've used hairspray as a top coat to help fix static grass o my own gaming boards. I coated them with PVA, sprinkled on several different green shades of static grass and once this has dried overnight, gave it a thorough blasting with cheap hairspray.Just the 39p per can kind of own brand 'maximum hold' hairspray from a supermarket.

    One thing the hairspray does is leave a glossy sheen to everything, so you would need to use matt varnish to 'flatten' this effect.It might work well for you to attach the moss with PVA, then once it's dry, blast the just the sections with the moss with hairspray to help fix it to the board, then once that is dry (only too an hour or tow with my boards for hairspray to thoroughly dry out) go over the whole board with matt varnish to flatten the gloss effect of the hairspray and protect the whole board at the same time

  2. Confession: I actually really enjoyed the 'John Carter' film. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos of this board with the moss in place. :)

  3. I liked the film too. Complaints that it is too much like other science fantasy miss the point, ERB was there first.


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