Friday, 30 January 2015

Gaming in Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars; Building Barsoom part 2

Adding Colour
So what does Barsoom look like?  Well the ground has to be red for the red planet.  The texture from the filler gives a great dried earth/mud look, and I will be using it in other projects in the future I'm sure.  

I will also make several rocky outcrops to scatter across the board.  Some designed to fit in corners or along the edge, others to be free standing.  This gives me some high ground or just some difficult terrain, depending on how high it is.

Martian trees have ivory trunks and branches, with purple foliage, and grass is red.  No one is going to mistake this for Earth, or Jasoom I should say.  According to Edgar Rice Burroughs the planet is largely covered by a yellow moss, so I will be adding something to represent this in large patches.

Built Structures
I aim to make a ruin or two as well; the Green Martians dwell in the ruins of the Red Martian cities built on the sea beds as the water level dropped.  I'm not sure yet what these will look like, possibly broken pieces of polystyrene packing?  I'd like it to look suitably alien and non human in proportion, but I'd also like it to be cheap and easy to make.

Anyway, enough waffle, here's the progress so far.

The First Coat
The board with a patchy brownish red base coat
The board with an undercoat of dark brown.  Very patchy.

Close up, its definitely browner than last post, but not very red yet
Close up of the surface texture.

I am using match pots of emulsion paint for cheapness.  The brown is Wilko's Java Bean applied in patches then spread out with a moist brush.
The result is patchier than I hoped, but it should be covered in the next stage.

Second Coat
Now with a reddish crimson coat, except for one corner
Now with dark red.  Shame I ran out of red paint.

Close up of red, what more can I say
A close up with the dark red, missing out the lighter blotches.

The red coat is a mix of two parts Wilko Ruby Ring to one part Java Bean.  This is applied neat, and stippled into the texture rather than brushed on to minimize brush lines.  The close up is paler than it actually looks, but we have sunshine outside today which seems to be making the photo look washed out.

Next up, drybrushing and moss.

Here are links to all the Barsoom posts.
Part 2, (you're here already)
Part 4,

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