Thursday, 29 January 2015

Gaming in Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars; Building Barsoom part 1

This is my new project for the new year.  I blame my good friend and gaming buddy 'Merlin' who watched the film (I know!) and decided that we could rescue something from it gaming wise.

The aim is to play a few small scale actions using a version of GWs Strategy Battle Game system. The minis will be Black Hat from their Martian Empires 18mm range, plus anything else we see that seems to fit.

Building Barsoom
I have begun by working on some terrain, including a board.  Using 2cm = 1 inch in the original rules I came up with a standard board of 96cm square to equate to the normal 4ft square gaming area. Rounding up to 1m square I have a board of 4mm MDF fastened to a timber frame to prevent warping. The whole lot is textured and awaiting paint.

A square board supported underneath, though yo can't see that bit.  It's painted with a textured white coat
The surface of Mars, either awaiting paint, or covered in snow.

Close up of the texture, essentially a rough sand like surface
Close up of the texture.

I followed some of the Terrain Tutor's guides for texture using filler (spackle), see his stuff at Texturing Gaming Boards.
So far I like the result. It just needs some colour.

Here are links to all the Barsoom posts.
Part 1, making the board (you're here already)
Part 4,


  1. Love the effect you've achieved using this technique :)

  2. Thanks, I plan on finding a way of using it for mini bases as well.


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