What is Space Hulk?
The game pits small squads of Terminator Marines against Genestealers in the cramped confines of an abandoned drifting spaceship.
The Marines have storm bolters and heavy flamers while the 'Stealers just have speed and very sharp claws.
There are lots of great rules features, such as putting Marines Overwatch (and the attendant risk of bolters jamming), the use of 'blips' to hide the number of 'Stealers out of direct line of sight, and the time limit on the Marines turns, that give the game the right feel. Its fast and deadly, and if the Marine player doesn't move fast, it goes very badly very quickly.
I've played this before, many moons ago, using T'Other One's nicely painted minis, complete with metal Terminators (rather than the plastic ones), but it was Grim's first go. We shared control of the five Marines, and our objective was simply to disable a terminal with a flamer shot. T'Other One had hordes of stealers trying to stop us.
Ready for Action, the flamer burst marks the target room
One Marine down
Two Marines down
Victory! (for the 'Stealers)
The mission didn't go well for us, T'Other One did a great job of keeping up pressure from multiple directions. Eventually we lost the Heavy Flamer, and with it, any chance of winning. The remaining Marine fell the following turn.
I could blame our bad luck with the Command Dice (a d6 for extra Action Points) or T'Other One's good luck with the blips, but to be honest, he kept us on the back foot (boot? claw?) from the start.
Take Two
But Space Hulk is a pretty quick game to play, especially the early missions, so we tried again.
This time we had better luck and forged ahead. There were fewer 'Stealers and we managed to burn the launch controls, albeit at the cost of one of the marines who opened the final door and selflessly stepped into the room to allow the flamer to fire. His sacrifice will be remembered.
Only one 'Stealer to hold off, Victory is ours!
Over recent years we've played quite a few old GW board games, many of which I remember with fondness from back in the eighties and nineties, and mostly from my collection. But they've generally felt clunky and a lot less fun than the newer generations of games.
But Space Hulk stands up very well. It's still a slick rule set, simple enough to grasp, but with lots of potential for tactical thinking. It's also exciting, and captures the tension of a beleaguered crew beset by swarms of enemies.
There were a couple more editions, the most recent with some amazing minis, but the first edition is still, to me, the best.
I usually give a tier ranking for our board games, well, if you're looking for a tense fast paced action shoot em up, then definitely S Tier. What it does, it does very well.
I'd go as far as saying that I prefer it to Aliens, mostly down to the less complex rule set. It doesn't have the cooperative side that Aliens has though.
GW released a couple of supplements, introducing Librarians with psychic powers and Genestealer hybrids with weapons, but the base game is enough for me.
Somewhere in the loft of shame I have my own copy, perhaps it's time to get it out and get it painted.