Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Board Game Night - Aliens AGDITC

The Monday night games group have been playing a lot of board and card games recently, see my thoughts on Era here.

Last night we had another go at T'Other One's copy of Aliens: Another Glorious Day In The Corps, from Glae Force Nine. The game is nicely produced with lots of tokens, cards, good quality boards and, of course, lots of Alien minis (and a few Marines). The game is co-operative, with the players trying to achieve the mission goals while the A.I. controlled Aliens try to stop them. 

I've played this a couple of times before, indeed my first game seemed so easy that I wondered what the fuss was about (we had to find Newt and get her off the board. We were incredibly lucky to find her first thing and convince her to follow us).

Last night's Bug Hunt was a different matter.
Part way through the game. The marines are the green minis, the three piles of cards control various hazards, provide equipment and indicate the passage of time within the game. The white blobs are blips.

We had to eliminate all the blips before running out of time. The game has an elegant way of using cards to measure time, sadly even with my character, Frost, using the flamethrower we just ran out of time.
"Game over, man. Game over"

The game was pretty fast moving and very tense. I felt it captured the feel of the second Alien film nicely. 
It's been a while since we got any minis out and it was great to see T'Other One's nicely painted 'bugs'. He also has some great 3D terrain, which, while not required (we didn't use it last night) certainly adds to the look and feel. 
It would be fun to try the scenario again and see if we can do better.


  1. haha. gotta love fast paced board games,
    still gotta introduce my girl to Zombicide: Invader but this one seemed kinda cool. been eyeing this one for about a year now but i always get side tracked with another project.


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