Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Kings of War - Kingdoms of Men 7 - Foot Guard

I've completed the 500 points of Kingdoms of Men, but of course, I wasn't going to stop there.

I like the Oathmark humans set, so I decided to see what other unit entries I can make. I'd like to have a Foot Guard unit to give the army an elite(ish) unit. With De 5+ I want them to look better armoured, and they should all have swords (I know any hand weapon will do, but if they all have swords I think it looks more professional). I've already used the cloaked torso to make a hero, painting the plates as steel and the rivets as bronze. I can do the same for a guard unit, though maybe keep the whole lot steel.
The sprue has the cloaked torso and an uncloaked torso wearing the armour. When I looked closely, there is another torso wearing a coat, but with the same type of armour just visible. 
I also choose a lot of the 'leader' full helmed heads, saving the cavalry plumed helm for the leader. For variety I included a few helmeted heads.

These are some of my favourite poses.  The Oathmark Humans are a very useful set.

I'm still using Speedpaints, and the process was straightforward. I think I got the zenithal prime better this time, mostly by being a bit more patient when airbrushing.
Some of the minis have skin painted using Dark Wood, this gives an acceptable Northern African look, I was inspired by Dana Howl's video on skin tones.
As this is an elite unit, I gave them a bit fancier colour scheme. I used the blue and yellow colours on the coats, where worn, otherwise painting the 'skirt' yellow and the sleeves blue. Each mini got a red collar (and cloak where present). To give a bit more variety I mixed red and red in various ratios.
The shields got a red trident as a nod to the Ukranian flag, and there is a red trident on the flag.

This is another unit that I'm pleased with.  The Kingdoms of Men don't have much in the way of elites, but these are the closest to elite infantry.  I like the 'fancier' dress, with the yellow and blue being more obvious.  When I get around to painting some more ordinary infantry I'll go back to the blue coats and yellow stockings, and I'll make more of an effort to keep particular torsos for certain units.

I now have 750 points for this army, and I hope to get in a game with Bodvoc soon.  I think the next unit will be some more cavalry.

The shields were given a quick coat of matt varnish to seal in the Speedpaints before I painted on the tridents.  These were a thinned black trident shape with red painted over it once dry.
The minis as a whole were given a light drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Pale Sand before varnishing to emphasise the highlights.  I've not done this step before, but i thought that being a Guard unit they warranted a bit of extra effort.


  1. Great looking unit, our next game should look really good.

  2. these look really nice.,so Roman in a way.
    kudos to u for painting yellow, i can't do it. lol.

    1. Thanks. I see what you mean by Roman, I think it's the full helm? They are nice minis for units, and the sprues have plenty of options, which I am currently exploring.
      The yellow is simply Army Painters' Zealot Yellow (why zealots are particularly yellow, I don't know). It's just a little orangey in the shadows for my liking. I think they have brought a new yellow Speedpaint out which might be paler.

    2. yeah, the helms, the shields and the uniform armor.
      if you didn't have the banner and just an icon on a pole then definitely roman.

    3. Thanks.
      I should mention that the yellow on the flag is more conventional painting. Base coat of Golden brown, highighted up with sunburst yellow, then moon yellow and finally mixing white into it for the highlights.
      I still like the speed and convenience of the Speedpaints for quickly painting a unit though.


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