Documenting my hobby; painting modelling and playing fantasy roleplaying and tabletop games.
Tuesday, 28 February 2023
Kings of War - Kingdoms of Men 7 - Foot Guard
Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Lamps and AoS - Random Bits of News
Sunday, 19 February 2023
Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game Haradrim Battle Company
Saturday, 11 February 2023
Ral Partha Wizard and North Star Hero

Saturday, 4 February 2023
Rebel Fleet Troopers for Fistful of Lead/Galactic Heroes
My next mini project is another Star Wars crew for Galactic Heroes. This time I've gone straight for the original trilogy and a crew of the Rebel Fleet Troopers as seen most famously in the battle in the corridors of the 'Tantive IV' trying to defend Princess Leia.
The minis have actually taken rather a long time for such a simple colour scheme. I've been busy on other things, amongst which was finally getting my garage set up with a work space for terrain building and other messy hobby stuff. The other reason was my repainting them part way through as I didn't like the colours I originally picked.
The minis are pretty standard for the WotC. There was quite a bit of flash, and some awkward fill between the arms of a couple of the troopers. I deliberately chose a slightly different colour scheme for the uniforms, khaki trousers and light blue grey shirts. There are lots of images online, and the colours range from grey shirts and trousers, as per the photo above, or white or blue shirts and black or khaki trousers. The mini with the blaster pistol had a different colour scheme anyway, and I wanted them all to match.
Painting wise, the trousers were all basecoated VGC Khaki, washed with a 50:50 mix of Army Painter Strong and Soft tone washes, and highlighted with Vallejo Game Colour Bonewhite.
The shirts were basecoated with a mix of VGC Steelgrey and VGC Wolf Grey, washed with watered down VGC Sombre Grey and highlighted with a drybrush of VGC Wolf Grey.
The jackets and boots were basecoated with a mix of VEO Heavy Charcoal and VGC Black, washed with VGC Black wash and drybrushed with a mix of Charcoal and VGC Cold Grey.
The helmets had the various lines painted VGC Wold Grey then the 'plates' were painted white, the visor black.
A few extra details were added, such as the holsters and belts in VMC Mahogany and silver for buckles and parts of the blasters.
After varnishing the helmets were given a coat of Vallejo Silk Varnish and the visor was given a gloss varnish coat. The matt varnish came out much more matt than usual, I don't know why. It seems to have obscured some of the highlights.
Another mini project I'm pleased with. They should make a good crew for Galactic Heroes. I hope they last longer than they did at the beginning of 'A New Hope' or indeed the end of 'Rogue One'. There are some nice additional minis I'll look out for, such as the officer in khaki uniform and sleeved jacket who gets aggressively 'questioned' by Darth Vader in the film, but these will do for now.
If you're interested, my first paint job had darker blue shirts from a basecoat of VGC Sombre Grey and the trousers were more brown. The original WotC painting had khaki trousers and the blue shirts seem common in the Star Wars: Legion community.
I've got at least a crew's worth of Hoth troopers as well, and I'm trying to get enough of the Rebel Commandoes, as seen on Endor, to make a crew of those too.
Space Hulk; MEGAforce Board Game Night
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