Friday, 21 January 2022

10mm Ruined Tower for Middle Earth

You probably know that I like building terrain (too much to link to, try the terrain tag to the right).  I've recently been playing Fantastic Battles in 10mm, specifically trying to use the rules for Middle Earth games (Spoiler; they work very well).  However, I have practically no terrain suitable beyond repurposing a few trees from my 15mm collection.  
The obvious answer is to make a set, rather like the 15mm League of Rhordia set I made for 15mm here. But I want the buildings to look 'right'; proper Middle Earth, not just ordinary fantasy (an odd statement I realise).  
Generic 'mock-medieval' is fine for some battles, and I'm certainly not slavishly copying Peter Jackson's look, but the films do provide a useful, readily recognisable look (and a lot of it is based on the earlier, excellent work of artists such as Alan Lee).  I'm sure I could make ruined 'Osgiliath' style buildings, but I found a 3D model from telford3dprinting which definitely had the right look, and not too expensive either.  Certainly worth a try.  The design itself was part of a Kickstarter campaign for some very Lord of the Rings film style buildings called 'Arkenfell'.  There are also some very nice looking dwarven fortifications, and some undead type gothic pieces if that's your thing.

Delivery was quick, and the model was well packed.  There was very little flash to clean off.  I gave the whole model a good wash prior to assembly.  There is some evidence of the layers typical of 3D printing, though they are not prominent, and indeed seem to add to the texture of the stonework.  the only place where they are in any way obtrusive is on the earthen mound on the base, but I'll be flocking this area, so they will be hidden.

There are even three different tops for the tower, I chose the dome, as it reminds me of views of Osgiliath from the films.
If you want to know how big it is, the base of the tower is pretty much 40mm square, plus the overspill of rubble.  The height is 120mm.

The whole tower washed and ready (and I can see some flash that needs trimming) 


The different sections have pegs to fit them together, the holes needed a little drilling out, but once done, everything fits fine.  I glued the tower together in two sections to help with storage, I may eventually add magnets to the two sections.  I gave the stonework a good wash of Vallejo Black Wash to pick out the details.  At this stage it looked pretty good already, certainly good enough to appear on the battlefield.  However, more drybrushing with Vallejo Game Color Stonewall Grey, shading up through VGC Wolf Grey to White gave it that white stone finish typical of Gondor.

The tower in all its (faded) glory
The more ruined aspect

I'm still keeping the two sections separate for now.  Once I've decided how I'm storing this, and when I have an idea of the height of other pieces, I may glue it together.

Did I overdo the vegetation and water staining?

The base was simple, just browns with a bit of flock around the edges.

I wasn't sure how much weathering to do, if any.  It depends on how old a ruin the tower is.  If it's only just been ruined, there wont be much.  If it's been in this state for years, then there will be plenty of vegetation, weather-staining etc.  I decided to add a bit, for visual interest, but not go overboard.  I added some static grass to the base as all that brown looks a bit dull, and a few small bits of clump foliage.  I also added a bit of Vallejo Dark Green Ink for water staining on the walls (possibly too much).

I'll definitely get some more of these models.  In particular, there is a ruined house that I think could be split into smaller ruins, and the set of four statues is excellent.  I don't want a full city, but maybe half a dozen, mixed between ruined and intact buildings should do nicely.  In our recent battle we learned that too much terrain really slows down Fantastic Battles, but a few like this really show that the game is set ibn Middle Earth.

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Copplestone Casting 10mm Gondorians

If you've seen the latest battle report from our Fantastic Battles in Middle Earth project, you'll have seen my Gondorians (Men of the City from Copplestone Castings), used by Bodvoc in the game.  I've done two batches of Gondorians, both bought piecemeal from eBay traders, I don't yet have any Heroes or a Warlord to command them, though some are in the post as I type.

As with the orcs, these were originally meant for a 10mm version of GWs War of the Ring.  I painted the first batch back when we were looking at this project, but since WotR10mm died they now work very nicely for Fantastic Battles in Middle Earth.

I tried two slightly different ways of painting them (largely because it was many months between the two painting batches).  In the pictures, the more recent batch don't have any magnetic stuff under the bases (waiting for some to arrive) in case you want to compare them, but I think they all fit in together.

Once the next batch arrive I'll do a step by step guide to painting them in a separate post.  Meanwhile, here's a look at the current collection.

All my Gondorians so far.

Two companies of Spearmen

Two companies of Archers

Two companies of Rangers

They are nice minis to paint (see painting guide) and look good based up for battle.  Although there are only three different codes in the range, plus mixed sets of heroes, both on foot and mounted, there is most of what I need for my Gondor army.  I do have plans to do some converting to make a unit of elite guards, and I already have some nice knights, good for some allies from Dol Amroth.

And if you're wondering how small they are, here's a comparison shot.

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

The Penultimate Alliance - A Game of Middle Earth Fantastic Battles

Firstly, apologies for the lack of posts recently.  I haven't even posted the traditional 'look back and look ahead' waffle for 2021/22.  I did have something roughed out, but a series of migraines prevented me polishing it sufficiently to post, and now it seems a bit too late.

Still, I have been painting.  Work progresses on the dwarves for FfoL, but I've also been painting 10mm Gondor troops for Fantastic Battles, and I got a game in with them against Bodvoc recently, The Penultimate Alliance.

As host I came up with a brief outline; at the end of the Second Age the forces of the Elves and Men are assembling to begin the march on Mordor.  Sauron, perhaps underestimating the threat, has sent an army out to crush them.  The Alliance are trying to kill Boldog, the orc warlord and banish the Nazgul, while the Forces of Darkness want to kill both Boromir and Elrond, hoping this will stop the two races allying.

I have virtually no 10mm terrain, so I was relying on Bodvoc's collection; hence the battlefield wasn't particularly well thought out and caused both of us a lot of trouble manoeuvring around woods, huts and towers.

After deployment the Mishaps rolls resulted in the Rangers and the Elven Knights  rushing forwards, matched by the Warg Riders, the Trolls and the Orc Bows on the Evil side.

The battlefield after Mishaps rolls

The Evil army arrayed for battle (Wargs waiting in the woods to ambush the enemy)

The Gondor half of the Alliance

The Elven force

The Alliance wisely held back, relying on their superior archery.  The Elven cavalry section advanced, trying to roll up the Evil flank, while the Rangers, regretting their impetuous advance, tried to seek cover in the woods.  The Warg Riders took advantage and charged, taking heavy casualties to bowfire, but eventually wiping out the Rangers.  The Wargs swung wide round the hut and tried to flank the Gondorians.
Rangers clash with Warg Riders on the edge of the woods.  Alas they hadn't time to withdraw safely into the trees and were wiped out

The Battle for the Woods heats up as the Wargs swing wide

On the other flank, the Elven cavalry take the hill, the scouts exchanging arrows with the Orc Bows and Warg Scouts. The Trolls advance into a storm of arrows, slowly taking damage.

The Elven Battle for the Hill

The Warg Riders and Rangers wipe each other out and the Elven Knights try to ride down the skirmishing Warg Scouts.  The Wild Wargs advance through the now empty woods, but stop just short of the flank of the Gondor Archers.  One block of Orc Warriors is wiped out by the Gondorian Spearmen, the Nazgul doing little to help (he had curse, but I only had him in position to use it once, and fluffed the dice rolls).   The Trolls struggle against the Elven Spears, boosted as they are by the magical trickery of Gandalf.  The only bright spot for the forces of Evil is the Orc Warriors taking down Boromir as they go.  

The Men of Gondor have wiped out a block of Orc Warriors, while the Trolls struggle against the Elven line

The Elven Spears and the Trolls (including Boldog) wipe each other out as the Elven Knights finally catch the Warg Scouts.  Already damaged by constant arrow fire, the Knights (and Elrond!) are destroyed, taking down the last Wargs and Orcs as they fall.  The Gondorian Archers chance a charge against the Nazgul, and although they are terrified by the evil presence, they manage to dismiss the wraiths - for now. 

The loss of both sides' Warlords causes panic through both sides.  After adjusting for this, both sides are broken.

The battlefield with what few troops remain.

At the end, both sides were broken in the same turn, and both achieved their victory conditions.  So a hard fought draw.

We both really enjoyed the game.  You can read Bodvoc's version of events on his blog here. There were a couple of points that confused us, but we worked out a solution, which turned out to be correct after questioning the Facebook group.  We both said the game felt like a battle in Middle Earth, so our lists are working about right.  Being on the receiving end of two very successful castings of empower, I felt it a bit overpowered.  I may not have felt that way had it been me casting it.  Curse was a failure, partly as I haven't quite got the hang of using a Magic User as a Passenger in a company.  In fact, the only thing I'm not quite happy with is how to represent the Nazgul.  Here I used a Magic User with curse (I am going to try using empower as well next time) and an Elite Mounted company with Passenger and Terrifying.  Close, but not quite what I have in mind.  this might be due to me not fully appreciating how to use it yet though.

I struggled at several points in the battle due to my poor deployment.  This is something I need to work at.  I was disappointed with the Trolls, though they were against elite Elf Spears, and I failed to support them properly.  I was pleased with the Warg Scouts, keeping the Elf Knights busy all battle, and even managing to wipe them out, and Elrond too!  Despite the Wild Wargs not actually taking part in the fight, they were a very real threat on the Gondorian flank.  It would have been nice to actually have got them into the archers though.

As you can see, I need to paint more of my Mordor army.  I bought a few more packs since last time, and they are based and undercoated for this battle.  I do need a few more its to have a good selection for a 1000 point Mordor force, and I need heroes etc for my Gondor force to bring it up to 500 points.  I'm aiming for 1000 points of course, eventually.  
I suppose I need to do a post showing the Gondorians soon.

Space Hulk; MEGAforce Board Game Night

The recent MEGAforce evening saw a return to a Games Workshop classic from 1989,  Space Hulk. What is Space Hulk? The game pits small squads...