Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Gunthor Son of Gurn of the Stone Crows

You might have noticed this chap in the background in the last post.

He is my take on Gunthor, described as a thin man in a horned helmet armed with a long knife.

The body and arms are from North Star's Oathmark goblins and the head is from the Frostgrave barbarians set.
I had to make a hole for the head to sit in as the two makes don't always play together nicely. The long knife is a cut down sword, I may have trimmed it a bit much actually, but it will do for now. 
I need to greenstuff the cloth round his neck to cover the top of his shoulders, and a little bit in a hole in his neck as well. 

I had originally planned to use the nice new Dark Age Irish from Wargames Atlantic, but when I re-read the description the clans are equipped in boiled leather, oddments of armour and barred halfhelms. I thought the goblin bodies fitted this description nicely, I can find the heads on some of the many plastic sprues I have collected over the years.

I plan to eventually build more of these clansmen; this was simply an experiment to see how well I could match the description.  I'm pretty pleased with how he has turned out.

Why? well, I have a new project in mind, but I have plenty to do first, so you'll have to wait a while to find out more, but a no prize if anyone can identify where he is from. 


  1. Nice kitbash, lets see some paint on him?

    1. It'll be a while. I built him to see if I could, and I'm pleased with the result. I want to make some more Clansmen before I get some paint on them, probably twelve, a unit in Dragon Rampant and other systems.
      Before I get too caught up in this though, I have those orcs to base and some dwarves to finish.
      I may even try kit-bashing something different as well


Rangers of Shadow Deep - More Heroes

I Can Stop Anytime I Like I find kit bashing minis for games such as Rangers of Shadow Deep almost compulsive. I sit surrounded by sprues an...