Friday, 20 March 2020

Star Saga Terminals

I've been steadily plodding through the Star Saga stuff and have just about finished the minis. I've nearly finished the Rangers, they are just waiting for their clear bases, and the Plague Victims are well on the way. In fact only the Plague Abomination still has no paint on it yet. But none of these are ready to show yet, so here's something else from Star Saga.

I moved the terminals ahead in the painting queue as in one of the missions they have specific letters to identify them and I thought it would be easiest to include the letters on the actual terminals.


There's not a lot to say about these. The off white was a base coat of Vallejo Wolf Grey with white highlights. The whole lot was given a wash with Vallejo Grey Wash. The screens were painted a mix of dark green and black (I tried both green and black and neither looked quite right). The displays were simply semi-random markings using Vallejo Glacier Blue, making sure a different letter was obvious one each screen. 

They were rather fun to paint, possibly as they were quite different from the 15mm Ogres and the Mordor minis I have been painting recently (another advantage of the five box system, I'm giving myself permission to change projects without feeling I'm abandoning something).

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Kings of War, More 15mm Ogres

I've been steadily increasing my 15mm Ogre army for Kings of War. My motivation is the campaign that Merlin and I are playing. For the next battle my Ogres are assaulting his Goblins who are holed up in a stockade. I thought a unit of Siegebreakers would be ideal for this, so set about making some.

Unfortunately, one of the Red Goblins has been adding his own 'artistic touches' to the shields.

The Siegebreakers were a mix of minis from the two orc sets, indeed I have used one pose in the warriors with two handed weapons unit. I gave each ogre a more impressive weapon, using hammer heads from Mantic's dwarf Shieldbreakers. The big shields were made from thin plastic from Renedra bases with a wood grain scratched on the back and a hole drilled for where a handle would be. I used half round plastic beads from a craft shop for the shield bosses.
Two of the ogres are holding their hammers two handed, so I used goblins with spears to prop up their shields.
I had thought about painting some sort of symbol on the shields, but I couldn't think what design to use. The large black shields look rather plain, so I added a red goblin graffiti artist and some of his work to one of the units.

I've also done another hero, this time with a heavy crossbow. The crossbow is taken from Mantic's naiads sprue, and I think I might replace the unit I have already done with similar weapons.

I have now done, or have in progress, most of the different ogre units.

Space Hulk; MEGAforce Board Game Night

The recent MEGAforce evening saw a return to a Games Workshop classic from 1989,  Space Hulk. What is Space Hulk? The game pits small squads...