Wednesday, 26 February 2020

More Lord of the Rings Orcs

Here are some of the latest additions to my Mordor force.

Morannon orc captain and banner. The captain, apparently called Guritz, or Skully, leads the evil forces at Pelargir in the films. I tried to match the paint job with images from the film, though the red is perhaps too vibrant.
The banner bearer is an old metal Morrannon orc with a banner added with copper wire and the foil from a wine bottle. The design is just a rough freehand design.

A couple of Warg riders. Straightforward paint jobs, though the riders are magnetized. I must do similar with the'hump' that replaces the orc if it is killed.

It's not just the cavalry that are magnetized, all the models have magnets set into the base and they fit in a Really Useful Box with steel sheeting in the base. 


  1. I particularly like the standard bearer, although the wargs looked great on the field of play. I think I have learnt it will be better to kill the riders first, thus forcing the wargs to test to see if they run off-that tactic could have really helped me yesterday?

    1. It probably would. I suspect if you had managed to break my force before I broke yours the result would have been different


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