Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Lord of the Rings Scatter Terrain

Just a quick post to show some scatter terrain.  This is old Games Workshop plastic terrain for the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle game.  The standing statue is from the Ruins of Osgiliath set, the rest came, I think, with the first Two Towers boxed set.  The campfire and statue particularly will make good objectives.
Of course, it can easily be used in many other games; in my case mostly Kings of War, Dragon Rampant or Frostgrave.

So I remember how I got this colour stonework, it's a black undercoat with a heavy overbrush of VGC Cold Grey, then a drybrush of VGC Stonewall Grey.  Progressively lighter drybrushes of VGC Bonewhite and Off White to finish.  The base is painted to match my normal basing system, and moss is added with VGC Black Green ink in various crevices. 
I'm pleased with the end result, though it does look a bit like the basic plastic colour with some highlights.  I think the Rohan campfire came out particularly well.

I've still to varnish them for protection and add some flock and grass tufts so they match my realm of battle boards, but they will do for an upcoming game with Merlin next week.

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