Tuesday, 14 January 2020

15mm Kings of War-500 points Ogres vs Goblins

Firstly, apologies for the poorer formatting. I'm currently without a proper PC and am trying to do this on an old tablet.

I had another great day of gaming with Merlin. We started with a 500 point clash between my ogres and his goblins.

This was the first battle in our campaign, and hostilities started when both sides met near a neutral goblin village. The enlightened ogres wished to share the benefits of Red Goblin status with the inhabitants, but unfortunately the goblins, led by the despicable Wiz Banga, were trying to enslave them.

Both sides square off, determined to save, or capture, the most goblins.

The goblins swiftly advance. The Fleabag Sniffs are out of range and Banga is hiding in the fields.

The Berserker Braves move up and urgently explain the benefits of 'taking the red' to a bunch of villagers. Eagerly they hide behind there huge saviours.
Grik n Grak the Ogre Warlock loads up his Boomstick, draws on the energy of his companions and charges it with a Lightning Bolt, damaging the Fleabag Sniffs.

The Fleabag Riders carefully manoeuvre around a field to threaten the Ogre flank while the Trolls menace a couple of groups of villagers. The terrified goblins cower behind their brutal new masters.
Meanwhile the Sniffs ride down off the hill and target Grik n Grak, hurting him a little.

In response the Ogre Warriors turn to face the advancing Sniffs, wary of being charged in their flank, and the Berserker Braves likewise face the Fleabag Riders. Grick n Grak once more fires his Boomstick, this time wiping out the Sniffs.
The Fleabag Riders charge the Berserker Braves, ruthlessly seizing some hapless villagers as they do. The Trolls lumber into Grik n Grak while Bangs 'bravely' hides behind a hut.  The Trolls injure Grik n Grak sufficiently to put him off his magic, but the Riders, hindered by the field, do little damage to the Berserker Braves.

Unable to use his magic, Grik n Grak withdraws, but the Ogre Warriors are able to swing round into the Trolls' flank (just) wiping them out and freeing the delighted goblins. The Berserker Braves inflicted huge damage on the Fleabag Riders, but amazingly they held (double ones Nerve test).

Realising he should do something, Banga used a Lightning Bolt on Grik n Grak, hurting him slightly. The Fleabag Riders fared much better, wiping out the Berserker Braves and causing the goblins they had freed to flee in panic.

Grik n Grak moved closer to Banga, and once more connected to his magic, stole some of the Wiz's life energy. The Ogre Warriors now charged the Fleabag Riders and destroyed them, freeing more goblin villagers.
In response Banga tried to get to safety, while blasting his magical superior. 
The Ogre Warriors then moved up to reassure the panicked goblin villagers while Grik n Grak finished off the pesky Wiz, using his life force to heal.

The Ogres triumph. Although some of the goblin villagers preferred a miserable life in the wilds, half of them have realised the benefits of working for their new benevolent overlords

A great fun game that really could have gone either way. Merlin was unlucky with his dice rolls, whereas I was lucky, with the exception of the double one Nerve test on the Fleabag Riders.

Merlin has posted a more goblin orientated version of the battle over on his blog, the War Crow, link at the side.

Next time I'll have to include some Red Goblins.


  1. It was amazing how many twists and turns can happen in such a small game, it was great fun (and I really needed that double 1!).

    1. Yes, it goes to show that it's never certain I only needed a 3 to rout them. I did feel that my Warlock was lucky to survive. Drain Life did help him, but you were lucky to Waver him,it stopped his magic for an important turn.


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