Saturday, 11 November 2017

Challenge and Organisation

Like a lot of gamers I read many blogs.  I've linked a few at the bottom of the page, and I really should update that with some more.

One thing a lot of painter/bloggers do is keep a record of their painting compared to their purchases, often as part of some form of challenge.

I'm not quite organised enough to set myself a challenge, but I thought if I keep a record of my achievements it might motivate me to post more often and to get more stuff finished.  I'm much better at starting a project than finishing one.

I'll get onto this more seriously next year, but as a bit of practice, I'll begin with November.  See how I cunningly begin just after receiving a box of Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago stuff?

Only 'purchase' so far this month is a swap with someone on the Mantic Swaps and Sales Facebook group; I got a metal version of The Survivor mercenary for Deadzone.  He looks a fun and straight forward job, so I'll get him stripped (oo-er) and might even start painting him in between various warband stuff.

So here goes;  current totals
Bought 1
Painted 0
Sold/traded 0

One thing that does occur to me.  How shall I log the various modelling projects?


  1. How about putting the ink for your blog on any posts on other forums you use? May get more visits?

    1. Cheers, I am a bit of an IT numpty (despite having taught it for several years). I'll get on it.


Rangers of Shadow Deep; Painted Companions and Marine Juice

Back in December I built three Companions to match the ones Andy and I chose for our first gam e. I've finished painting them now, and ...