Friday, 27 October 2017

Fun With Foam (part 1)

The ruined watchtower textured with Greenstuff World rolling pins seems to have gone down well, on FaceBook at least.  Posting it sparked a lot of suggestions and questions, so I have decided to do a bit of experimental crafting to answer a couple of questions.

The Black Magic Craft video that inspired me suggested that foamboard might take the impressions at least as well as pink or blue foam.  Given that it's generally easier to find, I thought I'd try it out in a comparison test.

I am making three walls, each around 150 mm long, to fit on a wide crafting lolly stick.  Each wall is 20 mm high, though I will add some sort of coping on the top.  One wall is made of two sheets of pink foam, each 5 mm thick, one is made of two sheets of cheap foam board about 3 mm thick, and one is made of two sheets of better quality foam board around 5 mm thick.

Each wall is two sheets thick, partly to avoid the tendency to 'iron out' the pattern on one side when embossing the other, and partly to allow me to treat each side differently.  One side of each wall will simply be embossed with the greenstuff world rolling pin, the other will have the embossing emphasised with a knife and/or sharp pencil.  I am interested to see if merely using the roller gives enough definition when everything is painted up.

The first problem was the thicker foam board.  It was tricky to strip the outer layer off.  even soaking for a couple of hours didn't do the trick.  Perhaps hot water would work?  Or maybe a heat gun?  Eventually I peeled most of it off and had to slice the rest away, leaving a chavelled surface.

The six strips cut to size and embossed.  Cheap foam board at the top, then pink foam and thicker foam board at the bottom.

The six strips after pencil work on three of them.  Again cheap FB at the top.

The samples are currently drying after being glued together ready for the next stage.


  1. You have more patience than me if you can tolerate stripping the paper from foamboard.

    1. Well I am prepared to try it once for this experiment. There are ways around it, and our American cousins are lucky; Dollar Store foam board is apparently deliberately designed to be easily stripped, it doesn't seem to be the case here.


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