Sunday, 4 December 2016

Recon 2016

Recon has always been one of my favourite shows.  I remember on of the very early ones in a church hall in Headingley with about five stalls.  It's grown quite a bit since then.
I met good friend 'Merlin' there and we had a good look around.
There were some impressive demonstration and participation games going on.
This WWII game featured the Home Guard of Walmington-on-Sea.  The REdcar Ironbeards were responsible.

I've always admired these guys (Sheffield and Rotherham Wargames Society, I think).
 Their teddy bear western games look great fun, if nothing else the minis and the terrain are excellent.

Dragon Rampant by the East Leeds Militaria.  I play this in 15mm, their 28mm game looked splendid.

Witch racing anyone?  I would have happily tried this, but I think I got there at lunch time.

Purchase-wise it was a slow day for me; just a couple of packs of Reaper Bones, a pot of paint and some clear bases from Sally 4th.  Usefully, the proprietor of Sally 4th is experimenting with ways of multi basing for clear bases; very useful for Warpath.
We also several boxes of the new Dr Who miniatures game from Warlord.  There were Judoon, Xygons and a box containing the 10th Doctor with four companions (seriously, Wilf?).  Nice, if a bit spindly to my eyes.  No rules though, so I'll wait.
I think there might have been another box of aliens, but I can't remember what.  Also I seem to have lots of tick marks drawn on my arms.


  1. Pudsey is one of my favourite shows too. Always nice to meet up for a cup of tea and a chat!

    1. Indeed, and to plan our next gaming project.

  2. Sad I had to miss it for the first time i years. Naomi didn't get called out in the end, so I theoretically could've gone *shrug*

    I love the 'No Flung Dung' laundry in the western gaming board :D


Rangers of Shadow Deep; Painted Companions and Marine Juice

Back in December I built three Companions to match the ones Andy and I chose for our first gam e. I've finished painting them now, and ...