Friday, 2 December 2016

Mantic Open Day

Last Saturday was the Mantic Open Day.  I managed to get there with good friend T'Other One, and we had a great time.
As there was quite a lot going on, I'll cover different topics in different posts.
Firstly there was Kings of War.  You couldn't miss the huge display game put on by COGS.

A lot of very nicely painted and models troops and terrain, the windmill sails even turned, and apparently there was a light inside the church (though it was too bright to see).
I don't know how it turned out, but everyone seemed to be having a good time, and it demonstrated one of the strengths of Kings of War; being able to play massive games.
There was also a participation game involving flying creatures.
I've certainly never seen this done before.  It looks great fun.  Sadly I never got the chance to join in.
Also for KoW, one of the rules committee was running a tactics seminar.
Finally, I managed to bag a troop of Orc Gore Riders in a bargain bag; excellent value.


  1. That sure looked like one heckuva game! :)

    1. Indeed. Reminded me of when I joined in one of these big games a few years ago.


Rangers of Shadow Deep - More Heroes

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