Monday, 10 October 2016

A Big Box of Hyborian Goodness

Well two actually.

This is the long awaited Conan Boardgame Kickstarter. Finally. 
The two boxes contain the game and the stretch goals.  I didn't go for any add-ons, just as well as they are being released later.

 Box 1, the game itself.  A nice bit of artwork that would look good on the cover of any Conan book.
A rough idea of the contents.  Remember this is only one box out of two.

At first sight not very impressive.

But there are two trays of minis, jsut drink in all their plastic glory

O.K. lots of identical poses, but they will come in very useful I'm sure.

Box two, our hero in a more contemplative mood.

I hope that gribbly thing is inside.

Rules and cards

Another two trays of minis, plus some bigger bits at the top

Second tray, including the furniture.

At first glance I'm very impressed.  I should confess that I got this lot more for the minis than the game, however, I'm sure we can have a fun game or two as well.
I will comment more on the quality of the minis in a later post when I have had time to fully inspect them.  My initial thoughts are that they are of good boardgame standard.  They are the equal of the Dungeon Saga minis, if not slightly better, and easily better than many of the D&D prepaints.  The only disappointment is the furniture, which has plain surfaces rather than textured to represent wood etc.  Dungeon Saga scores far higher on that.


  1. Now I wish I had gone for that kickstarter, it looks great.

  2. Indeed it is good, even if only for the minis.
    I'll get some pics up to show them in their plastic glory soon, but some of the specials are very good indeed.

  3. Good to have you posting again! Those are some great miniatures - I especially like the gribbly 'kraken' thing and the various heroic Conan figures. :)

    1. You might not be quite so keen on the gribbly if you meet it in a forthcoming RPG.


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