Saturday, 30 January 2016

January is Orcs Month

I haven't posted for a while, but I have been busy.  I have been putting together a warband for Dragon Rampant, using some old 15mm orcs I had lying around, plus some new figures I got to bulk out the force.

As I mentioned previously, i was concerned that I could no longer see well enough to paint the detail on 15mm figures.  In fact I got rid of most of my 15mm collection a while back, and the orcs were just some I missed.  I did keep a 15mm Empire army, from back in the day when I played Warhammer Fantasy Battle in that scale, but I have other plans for those.
I was aiming to finish the force by the end of january, but I still have one unit to do.  I may keep that for a step by step guide if its of any use to people. Everything still needs properly basing and texturing.  Never-the-less, I am please with my progress, and I might try for this 'one project a month' approach this year and see how well I do.

Still not great with the photos, but here are a couple of the units.
Heavy Riders, six Magister Millitum orcs on boars

The same unit, shields still to have some sort of design on them.

Foot (light or heavy) from a mix of manufacturers.

The rest of the foot unit.

I have two units of scouts and another unit of foot ready.  The bulk of the force is a mixture of different manufacturers, including; Essex, Ral Partha, Chariot, Magister Millitum and Grenadier.  I like the mix, and I have chosen a variety of skin tones to emphasise this, from the traditional GW green to paler shades and browns and greys.

The bases are from Warbases and are ideal for my 15mm Dragon Rampant stuff as I base infantry on 15mm diameter MDF bases.  They make movement easier, and fit with the idea that the unit is a mob of orcs rather than a well regimented block of troops (though I will probably use similar for my next 15mm DR force; medieval humans).  I hope to have some cavalry bases custom made soon.

I am allowing myself a few extra days in February since I didn't start this project until part way into January.  
Next month, probably terrain.


  1. The mix of Orc manufacturers make for a great looking unit. The Orc Boar ridersare also very impressive.

    1. Thanks, there are two packs there; Orc boar rider lancers and half a pack of Orc boar rider command. I still have a standard and a leader unpainted, perhaps if I expand my force they will get painted up.


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