Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Rangers of Shadow Deep; Rangers Completed

**Please note, the photographs in this post are poor, I'm still getting to grips with my new phone camera.  I hope to replace them once I produce something better.**

Back in December I showed my kit bashed Rangers, built from various Frostgrave and Oathmark sprues. Well I've finally finished painting them, and they are ready to tackle the evils of the Shadow Deep.  They'll even qualify for Dave Stone's 'Paint What You Got' Challenge.

Reaper Bones Dark Elf
Included is a Reaper Bones Drow, SKU 44070 (I thought she was an elf, and painted her accordingly), previously seen part painted and filling in for Portus Fell in our first game. I've since added a few extra details and replaced the integral base with a clear plastic round.  I'm going for a dark green cloak for my rangers with mostly browns, light greens and yellows for other bits of clothing

In our first game, Ellen was played by a dwarf archer with a very bushy beard.  This was the new version that you can see in the 12th December post (linked at the top of this post).

I'm less than happy with the skin tones on Bessaria, I clearly need more practice, although the photograph doesn't do my painting any favours.  She's not wearing a cloak, but I've used a similar dark green to the Drow above for her coat.

Portus Fell
The new version of Andy's Ranger.  Like Bessaria, she has a dark green coat rather than a cloak.  The red flask on her right hip allowed me to give her a bit of spot red.

I'll continue to do a 'proper job' on the important characters, but for less important minis and large numbers of creatures I'm going to be looking at the Slapchop method as used on the Reaper Bones villager.  
I've got the companions to finish, as seen being built back in December, and I must get some sort of plan for what I'm painting for both the challenge and the game.

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