Friday, 20 September 2024

Kerwin the Rogue

As part of the 'Grand Sort-Out' I found an old character mini recently. Kerwin the Rogue.
Kerwin was one of the pregens in the fourth edition Starter, Keep on the Shadowfell. One of the players chose him, and another chose the pregen dwarf fighter, Kathra. I seem to remember that the rest of the group rolled up their characters, but these two players missed that session.

We used one of the WotC prepainted plastic minis at first (they did specific minis for both Kerwin and Kathra), but there was also a small range of better sculpted metal mini. I had at least two of these (the other one was Sovelis, half elven bard).
Sadly, Kerwin met an unfortunate end in Specularum. He fought the law, and the law won.

I stripped the original paint job and removed an added crossbow, which reflected the character's equipment, but added nothing to the looks of the mini.
I gave Kerwin a muted paint job. He is a rogue after all. I rather enjoyed the challenge of painting brown clothing but making different areas distinctive. The red headband is a nod to the original prepainted mini, and the red piping echoes this.
The blue trousers are simply because I wanted a dark colour to help with hiding and I thought an extra colour would look good.

I've now given Kerwin back to the player, something I like to do when a character mini is no longer in play.

I must apologise for the poor quality of the photos. Two of my lights had run out of batteries, and I didn't have any spares.
Kerwin's player is a rather good photographer (much better than I am), so hopefully he'll share some pictures, in which case I'll post them here.

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