Monday, 26 July 2021

Pallette Cleanser 9 - Reaper Bones Thund Bloodwrack 77199

My latest Palette Cleanser is this barbarian.  As with a lot of these minis I had previously started him, but only as far as painting the metal bits in black.

The first job was to remove the broccoli base and glue wire into the feet, both for attaching to its base when done, and to make it easier to hold while painting.

I thought of this chap as quite an elderly warrior, possibly because of his bald head.  There's nothing particularly new about how I painted him.  The three Bones barbarians I finished off here already had their flesh tones painted with Reaper paints, this time I started from scratch with a base coat of Vallejo Game Color Dwarf Flesh with relevant highlights, but I have his skin a VGC Grey Wash to make him look more grizzled.  I'm very pleased with how his cloak looks, a bearskin I think.  This was a basecoat of VGC Scorched Brown with drybrushed highlights of Vallejo Model Color Burnt Umber then VGC Beasty Brown.

His sword has a lot of cracks in it, clearly not a great weapon to use (unless its enchanted) so I kept the metal colours muted. 

Another mini I'm pleased with, and its good to get on with some more Bones.  He will make a good addition to the three I painted earlier, a Fistful of Lead warband in the making?  Now all I need is an archer and/or a wizard/shaman.


  1. Great figure, really imposing figure.

    1. Thanks, He has a relitavely small head for the size of his body, perhaps he is a Northern Alliance warrior?
      Also, I realised part way through painting that the arms and weapons were separate components, and that they hadn't been assembled very well, giving him oddly posed arms. Still, no matter, he looks the part.

  2. Those flesh tones work reay well! 🙂

  3. Thanks. The photo was taken in evening light, so comes out paler than in real life. As I was going for aged skin this is an example of the photo looking better than the mini rather than the other way round.
    Actually, when I look at a lot of the minis I photograph I wonder if my camera does this? If I knew more about it I'm sure I could alter settings or something.


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