Monday, 5 April 2021

Reaper Bones 77434 Yeti Chieftain - Palette Cleanser 7

My Palate Cleanser this time is a Yeti Chieftain. It's part of a set of yetis, which also includes a Winter Wolf. I got a couple of the sets in the kickstarter with the intention of using them as snow trolls in Frostgrave. 

I've painted yetis before, the West Wind Games ones. I liked how they turned out, so set out to paint the chieftain in a similar way. Base coat with Vallejo Game Color Khaki, then drybrushed up through VGC Bonewhite, VGC Off White to VGC White. 

However, the chieftain has a sabre tooth skull as a pauldron. It looked too much like the fur, so I repainted the fur based on greys.

Yeti Chieftain

Yes, the mould line fairy has visited.  I missed this until I was drybrushing, grrr.

Pictured with Minehost Foresc Ale

I basecoated with VGC Cold Grey, then drybrushed up through VGC Stonewall Grey, VGC Wolf Grey up to white. While I think the fur could be even whiter (the Monster Manual yeti have pure white fur) possibly starting from a basecoat of the Stonewall Grey, I'm still pleased with the result. I usually paint furry creatures with a paler underbelly, but I went darker for the yeti's belly. I was reasoning that it would have a paler back so it can lurk crouched in snow.
The skin is Vallejo Extra Opaque Charcoal Grey, the highlights are simply from drybrushing the fur. 
I'll look out the rest of the yetis for a mini project. I'm glad I did the chieftain first, otherwise I'd have stuck with the Khaki basecoat, and run into problems with the skull. 

A nice mini that will see use in RPGs and maybe in Fistful of Lead.  I'll definitely do the rest of the pack soon, along with their Winter Wolf, but not yet, I have other fantasy to do first.


  1. Great painting on that Yeti, nice fur effect and quite different to the look of the one I am painting.

    1. Thanks. I look forward to seeing your yeti.

  2. That fur looks great! Really nice work.

    1. Thanks. I was deliberately avoiding just plain white, though that may be more realistic for an Arctic apex predator. I think the grey looks more interesting, and maybe it's moulting out of it's winter coat?


Rangers of Shadow Deep; Painted Companions and Marine Juice

Back in December I built three Companions to match the ones Andy and I chose for our first gam e. I've finished painting them now, and ...