Monday, 15 February 2021

More Space Orks

 I've finished the second lot of orks for Fistful Of Lead's Galactic Heroes or possibly Grimdark Future.  The first lot (here) were just straightforward infantry.  For Galactic Heroes I wanted an obvious leader and some sort of specialist. I also wanted some orks with pistols and hand weapons too, so the next batch cover these options, as well as bulking up the carbine armed orks to a GF unit of ten.

The painting process was pretty much the same as before, however my black wash seemed a lot darker than usual, so this stage on the metals and dark leather and black cloth has come out a little dark, but they work, adding a bit of variety to the whole lot. For the large pack holding the machine gunner's ammo (I'm using Grimdark Future terminology here rather than 40K) and various pouches I used a base coat of  VEO Heavy Khaki, highlighted with VGC Rotting Flesh.  I also dotted in the eyes with a bright yellow, otherwise I don't think there was anything different form last time. 

Once again these were fun to paint.  I'm not convinced they came out quite as well as the first batch, but I think they will do. I'll go over the first batch and dot in the eyes, I think it's worth doing. 

I've now got more than enough orcs for a Galactic Heroes crew, and a full unit of warriors plus a hero for Grimdark Future.  I think the next time I paint orks I'll finish off a second unit with pistols and hand weapons and include a rocket launcher to give some heavy support.

Up next is another Palette Cleanser.  It's not a request, but Merlin/Badvoc thinks I don't paint enough elves, and my random dip into the unpainted Bones pile turned up an elf archer. 


  1. Your Orks certainly look Grim! As you are painting an elf next you could do a crew of Eldar to match up against your Orks?

    1. Alas the elf is very definitely a fantasy mini. I have, however, scraped five Eldar together which could make a crew.
      And I've loads of Dark Eldar which might come in useful sometime.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

For the past 48 days my hobby time has been dedicated to Dave Stone's Paint What You Got Challenge . I decided early on to use it as a s...