Sunday, 11 November 2018

Vanguard Orcs; Starting the Warband

I received my copy of the Vanguard rulebook a short while ago.  Whilst I didn't actually back the Kickstarter (beyond the $1 required to comment), T'Other One kindly offered to add a rulebook pledge to his order for me.  Many thanks, ser.

A while ago I began assembling and painting a few of the beta test warbands (my goblins are here), but I never got round to doing much with the test rule set.  Now I have the actual book I hope to get some games in.

I thought about which force to concentrate on.  I already have a few goblins, and the beginnings of dwarves and undead for the beta rules, but given the tie in with KoW, it made sense to go for something I already had an army of.  In 28mm that's Orcs or Kingdom of Men, and since there's currently no list for KoM, orcs it is.

I've got a couple of metal minis, the Godspeaker and a Krudger, the rest are the plastic orcs.  I've even converted one of the ax orcs to carry a bow.  There are currently no rules for a skulk, but adding a bow as equipment to an ax orc should give something close.
This does touch on an issue that I and several of my gaming friends have, the book doesn't have profiles for everything.  I understand that Mantic are going to fill in the gaps, and probably tempt us with nice shiny new minis with their profiles.  Commercially this makes great sense.  To an aging gamer like myself it would have been nice to see everything in one book.  That said, it would soon be out of date as new stuff came out anyway.

I'll not say much about the game itself until I have actually played it.  It seems clear enough, and the tie-ins to Kings of War battles are a great idea.  I think it will play very well, though as an orc player, I am wondering how to get more power dice, being limited to red only.  I'll try and get a game in soon and give a more informed opinion.

Ten brown orcs, standing in a (couple of) row(s)

*PS* Mantic have already added some new profiles, including Skulks.  Hooray!  
They have updated the army building document on their website in the free rules section to include the new stuff here.  Their blog on Friday talks more about it.


  1. My elves look forward to using your orcs for target practise.
    I too am a little miffed that the rule book does not have full lists in it.

    1. Maybe we should say, enough, but not all we could have wished for. It is very appealing to those who have the new minis (which does give them the cards anyway). Slightly 'ordinary' to those of us collecting the other factions, if that makes sense.
      I'm sure there will be new profiles and minis out eventually, and not just Vanguard versions of KoW troop types, something new and more fitting to skirmish sized games would be great.


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