Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Mantic Release Free Vanguard Rules

Mantic have release free PDFs of the rules and basic army lists for Vanguard, their skirmish game linked to Kings of War.  The rules (and free rules for all their other games) can be found here.

The campaign stuff is missing, but you won't need that to begin with, and by the time you are ready for it you can buy the book (currently half price on pre order).

I'm already looking through some singly based models to see what I can put together, and of course, I painted a goblin warband up a while ago, you can see them here.  I'll need to tweek them a bit (oo er), the points values have changed a bit, and some of the options have been removed (I wasn't sure quite what some of them were supposed to be anyway), mawbeasts really benefit from being fielded with at least two of them for their Howl! ability to be of use.  I found my goblin command pack and that will provide some nice extras, the Biggit and Wiz in particular.

Some of my goblins are from Dungeon Saga, well that's a game I have had for a while, but done little with.  Last night I got a couple of games in as the roleplaying group was at reduced strength.  The three of us played the two introductory games to learn the rules.  This worked well with all of us agreeing that the game is worth getting out again soon.  Indeed one of the group is now looking to buy a copy (the other player already has a copy) for family games.  I guess I had better get some more of the minis painted.  Actually, if I do anything immediately for DS, I think a better box insert for the various bits would be a good idea.

Oh, and while I'm writing, this kickstarter came to my attention today.  While its another I'm not planning on backing (lottery results notwithstanding), it certainly appeals.  I'd like it if the figures came in twelves, to make Dragon Rampant units easily, but the one mini that really appeals is the bonus piper.  This works for me, and ties in with my other main hobby


  1. Good to hear about DS getting played, must try to get my family playing it.

    1. Yes, it plays very well and certainly has the feel of Heroquest about it.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

For the past 48 days my hobby time has been dedicated to Dave Stone's Paint What You Got Challenge . I decided early on to use it as a s...