Monday, 25 September 2017

Ghost Archipelago

It's a while since I've done anything Frostgrave related, although I do have plans...

Anyway, there is another Nickstarter, this time for a new stand alone game using the same rules (with a few minor tweeks) and set in the same world.

The game focuses around 'Heritors'.  Beings with sort of inherited super powers.  They are exploring a mystical jungle land for the source of their powers, accompanied by Crew (because you cant have too many pirates).  The Crew are the plastic multi part kits for the game, with snake people and tribes folk to come in the future.

I should mention that the Nickstarter is also available through Bad Squiddo games, and there is a very active Facebook group to support the game.

Time to stock up on aquarium plants.

Friday, 1 September 2017

Finished Skald

Finally, the skald is finished, along with his boss, the Warchief Hagar.
Hagar is made up from Gripping Beast's Viking Hirdmen sprue.  I am not entirely happy with his shield design, but I can get back to it at a later date, as he was rushed somewhat.

The skald, details of his construction can be found here

From this angle the shield appears too big, but in real life it looks more appropriate.

Next up are a Berserk and a Veteran.  The former is a converted Wargames Foundry metal mini.  So old that I remember it as an old Citadel miniature back when they had a small historical range.

I have also been looking at a completely fantasy Viking band made up of Reaper Bones, horned helmets and all.

In the search for the perfect skirmish system I have recently looked at A Song of Blades and Heroes. I have heard much about this system, and it does have some appealing aspects, but I have yet to actually play, and it may lack some of the detail I expect.  Please comment if you have any experience of the game, either good or bad.

Space Hulk; MEGAforce Board Game Night

The recent MEGAforce evening saw a return to a Games Workshop classic from 1989,  Space Hulk. What is Space Hulk? The game pits small squads...