Tuesday, 29 August 2017

KoM on Down

As Granny Weatherwax used to say "I Ain't Dead".  I am still plodding on with various projects, probably too many at one time.  Some of them are projects I'd rather the players see first, so I'll keep them in reserve.

Anyway, I'm dusting off my Kingdoms of Men army (one time Warhammer Empire) for a battle against T'Other One's undead tomorrow.  We are playing one of the Edge of the Abyss scenarios, with my humans taking the place of elves.  I just have to decide which of two builds to go for.

Pictures and a report afterwards, and looking through the boxes, I really must get these finished.


  1. Good luck to the Kingdoms of Men, I ok forward to seeing some photo's.

    1. Thanks. Pitty your elves couldn't make it, as the scenario originally called for them, but I will do my humanly best.


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