Friday, 13 January 2017

Rebels Are We, Born To Be Free

As promised, my Rebs faction for Deadzone.
Group Shot, watch out for the commander on the high ground with her long rifle.

The Rebs leader, a nice mini in a nice pose.  I'd like to find the variant they did with a sniper rifle.

Yndij Sergeant.  This is a converted Dreadball Extreme mini

Yndij group shot.  I thought of these as 'lion men' and chose colours accordingly.

Human Rebels.  There are only two variants so far, but a bit of arm swapping gave me two more.  One of them has rather long arms, but maybe his grandmother was Bassilian?

Grogan, Nice minis, but I'd like a bit of variety other than the weapon.  There should be another Grogan in the Star Saga stuff sometime late this year.

Sorak with blaster and Eddek, one of the Mercs.  

My favourite, the Teraton.  I went with the idea of Ceremonial blades and thought of ceremonial armour, so she is wearing lots of expensive looking metals.

Survey drone awaiting proper basing.

I have had mixed fortunes with them so far.  Equipping the commander with a Sniper Rifle is a must if points allow, otherwise go for a Holo sight.  I haven't tried the Yndij sergeant yet, but his ability looks fun.  I had dismissed the survey drone as pretty useless, but in my first game with it, it managed to grab important objectives twice, and helped my win, so I think one in the place of a trooper is good, not happy about it taking up a specialist slot though.
As for tactics, use the commander's abilities as much as possible, but be aware that if you are using Always Short, you will pick p the booby trap when you do.  I'm still struggling to get the best out of the Teraton, but its such a nice mini I don't like to leave her at home.  I suspect some combination of grenades to knock opponents prone, followed by a teleport into melee, but I'm still experimenting.

painting wise they were all pretty straight forward.  They all have green armour plates, largely as a fashion statement, as it gives no protection in the game.  I spent ages edge highlighting it, but after varnishing you can hardly tell.  Grrr.  Clothing is a combination of light and dark grey and light and dark brown, but no actual uniform.  The Yndij, as I said above, were painted to look like lions, so golden fur/skin, with darker manes.  Other aliens were pretty much what I grabbed out of the paint box, but I put darker blotches on the Grogan around the head, as they remind me of B5s Narn.  The Sphyr is so much like a Zora that he wa lucky not to have his fish tail glued to the back of his head.  Next time maybe.

I've still got more to add, the medic, the Zee and the Kraw, and perhaps a little bit of mechanical help, plus additional poses of some of the aliens above.
I also got the Tiger Corps from Mars Attacks fro Christmas (thanks T'Other One) which I will paint up as another Rebs team, but that's more of a long term project.

(And a no-prize if you can identify the title quote, let me know in the comments section).


  1. Love the rebs, still tempted to get some myself.
    Don't know the title quote?

  2. you ca get some diff heads grogan heads from maitics free agents as wellassome grogans in grappleooses,may need to use a bit of kitbashing to make em in to dz grogans

  3. grapple poses* the heads are helmed or un helmed with guantlet blade option arm

    1. Either a grapple or he just wants a hug.
      I'll look at them as i have some spare from DBX. Wonder how well the convicts would convert to DZ as Rebs Troopers. The new GCPS sprue for Warpath gives me a few spare weapons.

    2. might have to trim the bomb collars on them, but yer would make great rebs

    3. Or give them BOOM (3) lol

    4. actually we did that as one of our homebrew forces prison forces used things from rebs and orx forcesusing human commander stats for a 'warden' their general special rule boom from the mawbeast


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