Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Dungeon Saga Skeletons Finished

I have finally finished the six 'basic' skeletons from the Dungeon Saga game.

They are lovely skeletons.  I am pleased with the paint job for the game, but I wish I had taken more time to clean up the mould lines and bend the figures into shape a bit more.  I should have used hotter water I think; a lesson for next time.

I have written up a more detailed stage by stage guide to how I painted these on the Reaper forum here.


  1. Very nice, I shall learn from your comments re. mould lines etc. for when I start on my own undead. Good work though.

  2. Yes, they are a pain, and not easy to see given the colour of the plastic.

  3. Nice! I love the rust effect and the variagated colour of the stones on the bases.

  4. Thanks.
    the rust effect is something i developed a while ago when I was painting some GW ogres. For some reason everyone thought they should have rusty weaponry.
    Paint random patches of GW Dark Flesh on the metal, then within the dark flesh some orange.
    The variegated floors came about when I looked back at some of the RPG minis I have rebased, the bases are all grey and look a little dull. Fat Dragon Tom has a video suggesting browns and greys to paint the new 3D printer walls, so I nicked the idea. At some point I will go over some of my previously based minis and get them to match.


Rangers of Shadow Deep; Painted Companions and Marine Juice

Back in December I built three Companions to match the ones Andy and I chose for our first gam e. I've finished painting them now, and ...