Friday, 10 July 2015

Games Workshop Empire Troops in Mantics' Kings of War

Kingdom and Empire
I have mentioned some time ago that I have plenty of GW's Empire figures and that I intended one day to sort them out into a Kingdoms of Men army for Kings of War.  Well to paraphrase Aragorn, "today is that day".
Movie still of Aragorn doing his "today is not that day" speech

The reason I have switched armies is Age of Sigmar.  A great deal has been said about this, I don't want to get into an argument over it, suffice to say, it's not for me, and I suspect quite a lot of WFB players are now looking at their armies and thinking 'what shall I do with these?'

I stopped playing Warhammer Fantasy several years ago and switched to Kings of War.  I think it gives me a quicker, more enjoyable game that feels like tactics are rewarded rather than who has the newest monster.  My Kingdom and Empire project is designed to show WFB players with existing collections that KoW very easily works with other figures, and building an army is pretty straight forward.

When KoW came out the humans list was designed to cover many different manufacturers ranges, and you could easily pick out the troop types to represent Empire (and Bretonnia for that matter).  I understand that Mantic are bringing out a book of army lists that cover other fantasy races such as lizardmen, and that the 'Empire of Rhodia' is an Empire analogue, complete with halflings!  However, I am sticking to KoM for this as it covers more of my existing figures.

I finally found my carry case of Empire, lost deep in the 'Loft of Shame'.  First shock; despite foam packing there was quite a bit of damage.  Second shock; did I really used to paint like that?
Anyway, I soon sorted out a regiment of cavalry and two of infantry, with a troop to accompany each regiment on the battle field.  Each regiment allows me to take a hero or a war machine, so a general, a wizard and a cannon later and I have near 1000 points.  A magic item or two will bring me up to a round 1000 points, just nice for quick demo games.

A Bit of a Fixer-Upper
I mentioned some damage; the knights needed extensive repairs, those lances didn't last well.  The wizard had dismounted, lost the end of his staff and his horse had lost its base, otherwise all that was needed was a few fillers in units short of the count.  As for repainting, I decided to completely redo the wizard and the scouts, (pistolliers), the rest could wait.

P.S. Just a quick note; Kings of War second edition is currently being printed, but today (Friday 10th July) they are releasing a pdf of the second edition quick play booklet.  Its free, and certain to be more than four pages long, and is available here.

P.P.S.  I should point out that the army lists are a separate download and are not quite complete.  i understand there was an issue with typos etc, and the full version will be released soon.
That said, the rules are complete, if not yet formatted quite as they will be in the finished book, so go forth and battle.

The wizard and scouts can be seen here.


  1. Photos please (or it didn't happen).

    By the way - did the wizard's staff have a knob at the end..? ;)

  2. Photos soon.
    And it does now :) or at least a dragon


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