Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Reaper Bones Speedpaint Trials

My blogging has been patchy of late, a month since the last post. Real life has been intruding more than usual, but I have managed some hobby time.

I've been trying more Speedpaints on Reaper Bones, this time I'm painting on to the newer 'Bones Black' minis. These are just some grabbed from the loft of shame, Dreadmere mercenary (03793), two Brigands (77707) and Torlan (44028).

As with the Squog I painted a while ago, I didn't undercoat, and the black Bonsium took the Speedpaints very well.  I mixed up various paints to give more subtle shades, especially on the Dreadmere mercenary.  I went to the trouble of giving him a drybrush afterwards, and weathered his cloak to give a worn, down at heels appearance.  I see him as a mysterious stranger in an inn, perhaps with a quest, but would you trust him?

The three human ruffians

With the other minis I relied on the Speedpaints to give me highlights.  I used ordinary paints (Vallejo) to paint a few details, such as Torlan's visible eye and his teeth.  All metals were Vallejo Game Color Chainmail Silver with various Speedpaints on top for shading.

I'm pleased with how well these came out for the time taken to paint them.  It's certainly a quick way of getting through my unpainted Bones mountain(s).  The results are somewhat 'washed out', almost 'watercolour-y', which I quite like, though skin tones are not the strongest.  They look better in real life, but still  not fantastic.  I like the Dreadmere mercenary best of this batch of minis, and the extra highlights bring out the detail.  Torlan shows what the Speedpaints can do on well textured surfaces.

I used Humbrol Spray on Gloss Varnish, followed by a coat of Colourforge Matt Varnish.  This is a new make to me, though Bodvoc recommends them.  My son picked up a can at Chillcon and generously let me share.

Space Hulk; MEGAforce Board Game Night

The recent MEGAforce evening saw a return to a Games Workshop classic from 1989,  Space Hulk. What is Space Hulk? The game pits small squads...