Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Nexus Psi - Launch Code Accepted

I've got a bit behind in posting recently, but I've been keeping busy.
I managed to get another game of Deadzone in last week.  We finally finished the Nexus Psi campaign, which was great fun to play through.  This game was my favourite, probably because it was such a close run thing.
Excellent terrain from T'Other One, see more on his blog, for example, here.

A photo from the side of the table really gives a feel of the close packed terrain.

That's a lot of Plague there, yikes 

Bravely defending the Landing Pad

Perimeter Breach!

Fewer defenders

The last few Enforcers face off against the Stage 1.

I haven't done a full AAR, the game was too intense to make notes and we were having too much fun.

Highlights (from my point of view)  included a perfect shot on a Murderbird, taking it out on turn one, one of the Stage 2's going on the Rampage against the other Stage 2 (in hindsight I'd have been better off targeting one of the weaker Plague models, but it was too tempting a target) and, from shear awesome-to-see-ness, the Stage 1 chewing its way through anything that stood in its way.
In the end it was a win for the Plague by one point.  I think I made them work hard for their victory though, well played to my opponent.

In other gaming matters I've been plodding on with more 15mm stuff, I'll show the pictures when they are complete, and I've been working on a Battle Company for the LotR Strategy Battle Game.  That's got to be one of the most catchy names ever (NOT!).  All that and a D&D scenery project as well.

You will have noticed I've dropped totals of minis bought, painted, etc.  Truth is I found it de-motivating rather than a help.  I'll still update monthly with a rough idea of progress though (though February will  have to miss).  I am still on track for one game a month, I even hope to get another in in March, but I still have too many projects on the go as well.  Still, that's part of what the hobby is to me.

And finally, just a thought, but I wondered about including a book review feature.  Not so much from the point of view of quality of literature, but more from how useful hobby wise the stuff I read might be.  If you would like to read this, please comment.

Space Hulk; MEGAforce Board Game Night

The recent MEGAforce evening saw a return to a Games Workshop classic from 1989,  Space Hulk. What is Space Hulk? The game pits small squads...