Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Conan's Mummies

A long while back I got Monolith's conan board game.  After teasing you with some pics of the contents I promised a better look at some of the miniatures.
Well, I recently finished most of the mummies in the game (still four more to go) as I needed twelve human mummies for the current D&D adventure.  So here they are.

First pose (there are eight of these in the game)
and rear

Second pose (there are four of these in the game)
and rear
 Third pose (and four of these)

and rear

All 12 of the 16 mummies in the game.

Its unusual for me to manage twelve similar miniatures without getting a little bored, but these were a joy to paint.  I kept the paint scheme simple, the bandages were khaki, the skin, where it shows through, was a purplish grey, and the cloth was a muted shade of green, red, yellow or blue.  I tried being clever with this, as the game organises monsters into groups by colours, but a closer reading of the rules suggests my idea isn't quite right, though it still gives a bit of variety.  Everything was washed with Army Painter strongtone ink, before drybrushing and highlighting and a bit of extra attention on the details like the jewelry and the rust on the sword blades (I'm particularly pleased with how this worked out).

I might base them on clear bases eventually, but this was about getting them ready for the game.
Detail wise they are very good for what they are.  As I said in my earlier post, I think they have the edge on Dungeon Saga, and about equal to the detail on The Walking Dead; All Out War.  they make great monsters for roleplaying.  I just have to decide what to do next.  I suppose I should finish the last four mummies, but there are some nice skeletons, great pirates, and the Picts (who have had an unpainted appearance in the D&D game) are full of character.

By the way, this is another photo-shoot using the home made light box.  I still don't think I've got the light levels right, but its an improvement on some of my earlier pics.

Friday, 12 May 2017

DS Furniture

To go with the doors, here is a sample of the Dungeon Saga furniture.

 The lighting isn't the best, I'm still experimenting with the lamps, but you get the idea.

Both shelf units are lovely pieces, very versatile and they paint up nicely.  The table is good, and I look forward to putting some of the pieces from Terrain Crate on it when that arrives next year.  I've used the barrels more than anything else, they provide interest, and cover, and in one game they were 'spawn points' for undead rat minions.
Painting was a simple overbrush of dark brown over black undercoat.  A further, lighter overbrush of a lighter brown, followed by drybrushes of Khaki and then bone.  Details were picked out in the relevant colours, usually with one highlight.  I might add a bit more shading with selective washes, but they will do for now.

DS Doors

I have (finally) got round to painting some of my Dungeon Saga furnishings.  I thought it was a good time to show them as Mantic's current Kickstarter, Terrain Crate is doing well and is close to ending; the stuff in there should fit very nicely with the DS stuff.

Double door about 2" wide.  I find this the most useful as I am currently using them with the Heroic Maps Ancient Dungeons set.

The doors were first washed then undercoated black.  I used the Vallejo black undercoat.  Its designed for airbrushing (and works great for that) but it also works well when brushed on.  The planks were basecoated with light brown.  I picked a few planks out on each door to paint lighter or darker, I think this gives a more naturalistic look; after all, they were presumably all made by hand (or claw), so I try to avoid too much uniformity.  A quick wash of sepia and the wood was just about done.
The bulk of the stonework was painted dark grey (VGC Charcoal?) then a few stone picked out in lighter colours.  The whole lot was drybrushed in light grey to tie the different colours together.  I'm not sure this works quite as well as the planks, and I'll try and tone it down a bit next time.
The ironwork was first painted in black, then picked out in chainmail.

I'll get some pics of the furniture up later today.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Moar Kickstarter Temptation

Well, it's been awhile, loads happening, not all game related.

I'll get back to posting more regularly, but I've not had much worth showing recently (at lest, that I can show before the players see it).

I'll just mention the following Mantic Kickstarter for RPG terrain, Terrain Crate.

The style seems similar to the 3D stuff included in Dungeon Saga, which has seen a lot of table top use in my D&D games, and it hasn't even been painted yet.

If it's at least as good as that, then I recommend it.  The Kickstarter price is certainly very good; you might not have an immediate use for everything includes, but it's well worth it if you use minis and like the 3D element.  I've found that the more you use this kind of prop, the more the players respond to it and use it within game.

I have just started painting the DS stuff, and it paints up very well.  I'll post some of it as soon as its finished.

Space Hulk; MEGAforce Board Game Night

The recent MEGAforce evening saw a return to a Games Workshop classic from 1989,  Space Hulk. What is Space Hulk? The game pits small squads...